Ocena tolerancji i toksyczności leczenia u pacjentów w trakcie radioterapii skojarzonej z hipertermią
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hyperthermia, treatment tolerance, treatment toxicity

How to Cite

Nowak, Agata. 2019. “Ocena Tolerancji I toksyczności Leczenia U pacjentów W Trakcie Radioterapii Skojarzonej Z Hipertermią”. Letters in Oncology Science 16 (2): 32-37. https://doi.org/10.21641/los.2019.17.2.138.


Hyperthermia is an additional method of treatment used in the therapy of solid tumors. The Greater Poland Cancer Centre uses the Celsius 42+ apparatus to carry out locoregional hyperthermia treatments. The study was conducted on 20 patients with cervical cancer. Treatments were performed 1-2 times a week, in the scheme of hyperthermia - maximum one hour break - radiotherapy, in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. It seems that the assessment of the comfort of treatment in oncological patients is extremely important, both for patients and for the development of medicine. During the study, four main problems emerged during the hyperthermia treatment, depending on the number of sessions or BMI of the patient.

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