Randomized Controlled Trials in protontherapy – is this the only way?
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protonoterapia, radioterapia protonowa, randomizowane badania kliniczne

How to Cite

Konkol, Marek. 2019. “Randomized Controlled Trials in Protontherapy – Is This the Only Way?”. Letters in Oncology Science 16 (3): 16-22. https://doi.org/10.21641/los.2019.16.3.154.


Proton Beam Radiotherapy is an emerging new technology in radiation oncology. The current debate underlines the lack of adequate number of randomized clinical trials (RCTs) to prove its clinical priority. This paper sums up the present state-of-art and disputes with the need of using RCTs in the assessment of protontherapy.

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