Complications of hormonal therapy (ADT - androgen deprivation therapy) and the movement system in patients with prostate cancer
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Korczak, J. (2020). Complications of hormonal therapy (ADT - androgen deprivation therapy) and the movement system in patients with prostate cancer. Letters in Oncology Science, 17(1), 1–6.


Androgen Deprivation Therapy is the basis for treatment of advanced prostate cancer. The beneficial influence of ADT on treatment results has been documented. In the clinical practice different complications, related to ADT use, have been observed, among which the musculoskeletal evolve dynamically and tend to deteriorate the patient’s quality of life and daily activity. To prevent or minimize the dynamics of development of these complications it is suggested vitamin D and calcium supplementation, and above all to perform physical exercises and modification of dietary habits. In the current study, the influence of ADT on the skeletal and muscular systems, methods of its diagnosis and prophylaxis has been shown.
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