Treatment tolerance of ultrahypofractionated radiotherapy SBRT using Cyberknife platform for prostate cancer
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prostate cancer, radiotherapy, SBRT, tolerance of radiotherapy

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Mańczak, Aleksandra, and Piotr Milecki. 2020. “Treatment Tolerance of Ultrahypofractionated Radiotherapy SBRT Using Cyberknife Platform for Prostate Cancer ”. Letters in Oncology Science 17 (1): 29-36.


Prostate cancer is the most common cancer among men over 60 years of age. Treatment of prostate cancer includes surgery, hormone therapy or radiotherapy. Radiotherapy is the least invasive treatment, often combined with other methods or is used alone. Ultrahypofractionated stereotactic radiotherapy (SBRT), which was the subject of this study, in the Greater Poland Cancer Center was carried out on the Cyberknife System.

Treatment tolerance can be defined as the degree of occurrence of complications after the therapy. If the side effects of treatment are rare, they are weak and do not reduce the patient's quality of life - the tolerance of treatment is good.

This study presented the results of tolerance on ultrahypofractionated radiotherapy treatment in patients with prostate cancer treated at the Radiation Oncology Department I in Greater Poland Cancer. The patients were irradiated on the Cyberknife using the SBRT method with a dose of 7.0 Gy -7.25 Gy, administered 5 times every other day, up to a total dose of 35.0 Gy - 36.25Gy. Assessment of tolerability of therapy was established on the basis of patient-filled surveys of the IPSS completed in the pre-treatment period, after the last fraction, 1 and 24 months after the end of the RT. Average age patients was 69 years, the average PSA score was 9, and the average Gleason score was 6.

Based on our results all patients had a worsening of the urinary tract symptoms during the last irradiation fraction and one month after the end of treatment, while at 24 months after RT, this level compared with the pre-treatment outcome. This phenomenon is associated with the occurrence of the typical radiation reaction for radiotherapy. The results of the study confirm good tolerance of SBRT which coincides with the current state of knowledge and suggest that SBRT due to shorter treatment time, equally high efficacy and good tolerance, could in the future replace conventional radiotherapy schedules in treatment of prostate cancer.

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