Tumor tracking using the Radixact system. Review of reports presented at the ESTRO 38 conference in Milan
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external beam radiation therapy, respiratory motion, aperiodic motion, tumor tracking

How to Cite

Adamczyk, Marta, and Tomasz Piotrowski. 2020. “Tumor Tracking Using the Radixact System. Review of Reports Presented at the ESTRO 38 Conference in Milan”. Letters in Oncology Science 17 (2): 17-22. https://doi.org/10.21641/los.2020.17.2.173.


The aim of this paper is to underline the most important recently related physical aspects of tumor tracking techniques with special emphasis on presentation of the technical capabilities of the Radixact system in the context of tracking tumor position changes. The described issues were presented during ESTRO 38 Conference which took place in Milan, Italy between 26-30 April 2019.


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