Analysis of the impact of the QUICHCHECKwebline alignment on the measurement of the radiation beam parameters.


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How to Cite

Paluszyńska, Marta, Olga Bąk, Magdalena Charmacińska, Urszula Sobocka-Kurdyk, and Patrycja Borowska. (2021) 2021. “Analysis of the Impact of the QUICHCHECKwebline Alignment on the Measurement of the Radiation Beam Parameters”. Letters in Oncology Science 18 (2).


Quality assurance in radiotherapy treatment depends on the physical parameters of the radiation beam. QUICKCHECKwebline T42031  is  a  measuring  device used for quality assurance and constancy checks of medical accelerators used in radiation therapy. The  device  measures  the  central  axis  dose (CAX), the flatness of  the  field, the symmetry or the radiation  quality. Measurements were made on the Varian TrueBeam medical accelerator (Varian Medical System, Palo Alto, USA). During daily tests the QuickCheck was aligned with the laser system and with the light simulation cross. The aim of the study was to investigate the impact of the QuickCheck alignment on measurement of the values of the radiation beam parameters.

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