Hemorheological picture in cancerous diseases
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hemoreology, blood viscosity, plasma viscosity, cancer

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Marcinkowska-Gapińska, Anna. 2019. “Hemorheological Picture in Cancerous Diseases”. Letters in Oncology Science 16 (4): 36-42. https://doi.org/10.21641/los.2019.4.16.165.


Hemoreology is a branch of science dealing with the study of blood flow in blood vessels. Rheological parameters are important indicators of the pathogenesis in many diseases, including cancer. Blood flow determinants are hematocrit, plasma viscosity, whole blood viscosity, and the ability of erythrocytes to deform and aggregate. Changes in the value of whole blood viscosity, plasma viscosity and other parameters such as increased erythrocyte aggregation tendency and reduced deformability are observed in many neoplastic lesions. Many authors point to the possibility of using rheological tests to predict the degree of disease progression as well as to make a choice of the therapeutic method. It is also postulated that reduction of excessive viscosity could be a good concept for the treatment of cancer.

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