The significance of hypoxia in head and neck cancer
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nowotwory głowy i szyi
czynniki indukowane hipoksją
head and neck cancer
hypoxia-inducible factor

How to Cite

Romanowska, Kamila, Julia Ostapowicz, Agnieszka A. Rawłuszko-Wieczorek, and Wojciech Golusiński. 2021. “The Significance of Hypoxia in Head and Neck Cancer”. Letters in Oncology Science 18 (1): 1-7.


Disturbances in partial pressure of oxygen control play a key role in the pathogenesis of many diseases, including cancer. Solid tumor cells are particularly susceptible to hypoxia as a result of uncontrolled tumor growth and low, chaotic vascularization in the neoplastic region. Reduced oxygen pressure in cancer cells is associated with a more aggressive phenotype and an increased metastatic potential. In conditions of insufficient oxygen, tumors adapt to the prevailing conditions by activating genes responsible for cell survival, neovascularization and apoptosis inhibition. In head and neck cancers (HNC), conditions of hypoxia are often correlated with alterations in cellular metabolism and immune response to radio- and chemotherapy.

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