Radiotherapy treatment for prostate cancer based on presentations from the American Society on Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), San Francisco 2014 and the European Society on Radiation Oncology (ESTRO), Turino 2015
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prostate cancer, radiotherapy, hormonal therapy

How to Cite

Milecki, Piotr. 2020. “Radiotherapy Treatment for Prostate Cancer Based on Presentations from the American Society on Therapeutic Radiation Oncology (ASTRO), San Francisco 2014 and the European Society on Radiation Oncology (ESTRO), Turino 2015”. Letters in Oncology Science 17 (1): 22-28.


Prostate cancer is one of the most frequent diagnosed cancer in men in devoloped countries.  So, the crucial point for achiving the best results of therapy is chosing optimal treatment for particular patient. The appriopriate treatment decision process is challenging for all specialists involved in this process such as urologists, radiation oncologists, and clinical oncologists. Prostate cancer treatment with radiotherapy during the scientific conferences such as ASTRO and ESTRO was one of significant part of scientific disscusion regarding reults of the most important clinical studies evaluated the role of radiotherapy. One of the most important conclusion from recently presented trials for intermediate and high-risk prostate cancer patients stated that combined treatment encompassed androgen deprivation therapy and modern high-dose radiotherapy gives the best results in comparison to high-dose or moderate dose radiotherapy alone. Another very important groups of trials concerned the role of dose escalation for patients with prostate cancer and all studies clearly showed that dose escalation is related with significant clinical benefit, but still it is some concerns regarding translation of biochemical gain into overal survival benefit especially when the follow-up period is relatively short.

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