The utility and limitations of the 18F-FDG PET/CT study in the oesophageal neoplasms diagnosis
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oesophageal cancer
positron emission tomography

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Pietrzak, Agata Karolina, Piotr Martenka, Erwin Strzesak, Katarzyna Pietrasz, Aleksandra Heydrych, Beata Pisarska, Karolina Kucnerowicz, and Witold Cholewiński. 2020. “The Utility and Limitations of the 18F-FDG PET CT Study in the Oesophageal Neoplasms Diagnosis”. Letters in Oncology Science 17 (1): 47-51.


Despite the limitations of the positron emission tomography/computed tomography method using radiopharmaceutical 18F-Fluorodeoxyglucose (18F-FDG PET/CT), i.e. non-specific properties of the radiopharmaceutical 18F-FDG and high costs and low PET/CT study availability, several authors indicate the 18F-FDG PET/CT technique as the most useful in detection, staging and planning treatment of the oesophageal malignancies.

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