Lung Cancer Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks
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Lung cancer prediction
medical analysis
deep learning methods

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Lithesh, Sai Teja Tirumani, and Venkata Yuva Naga Sai Nunna. 2024. “Lung Cancer Detection Using Convolutional Neural Networks”. Zeszyty Naukowe Wielkopolskiego Centrum Onkologii 21 (2).


Lung cancer is among the most prevalent and deadly cancers worldwide. Accurate diagnosis and early detection are critical for improving lung cancer patient outcomes and survival rates. Thanks to developments in medical imaging technology, computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems have shown a great deal of promise in helping radiologists identify and diagnose lung cancer from medical images. Here, we present the use of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) to create an early detection system (CAD) for lung cancer. The suggested approach uses lung computed tomography (CT) scans as input and use a CNN architecture to extract high-level features from the pictures. We use transfer learning to enhance a CNN model trained on a large dataset of CT images. The CNN model has been taught to determine if a specific CT image contains lung cancer or not. We evaluate the performance of the proposed CAD system on a dataset of CT scans of the lungs from different institutions. The trial's results show that our CNN-based CAD system can reliably and precisely identify lung cancer from CT scans. We also show the comparative performance of our proposed system against the state-of-the-art machine learning methods for lung cancer prediction.

In conclusion, the suggested CNN-based deep learning-based CAD system has produced encouraging results for lung cancer detection from CT scans. The approach might help radiologists identify and classify lung cancer early on, leading to better patient outcomes and survival rates. The viability and usefulness of the suggested approach in clinical practice require more study

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Prawa autorskie (c) 2024 Zeszyty Naukowe Wielkopolskiego Centrum Onkologii


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